Friday, January 4, 2013

Into the Dark

After spending a few hours this morning outside with my dog group, I have done nothing more than read, research and write while sitting inside over the course of this winter day and I am ready to leash up my pup Dakota and go for a walk. I have found myself recently drawn to a local neighborhood park near my home during my evening walks and have enjoyed the stillness found there, the quiet that comes on when everything is cloaked in darkness. Houses, though just yards away, disappear at night and I find myself feeling as though I am deep in the woods, wandering alone, able to think more clearly, away from the roads and sidewalks and hurried commuters heading home from the train. I almost feel pulled there each night, as though my brain needs the rest this small oasis affords after a day of thinking. To stare into the ribbons of woodlot surrounding the park, not sure of what I am trying to see or discover as I let the cold evening air settle in around me.

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