Thursday, February 9, 2012

Winter Sunrise...

The snow overnight greeted me this morning. White and fresh, beckoning me outside and down to a nearby park, my pup in tow. It has been a long time coming, this snow with me outside enjoying it, noticing it. I have been distracted lately. Spending time at book clubs, woman's spirituality groups, my son's educational center, doggie playgroups, and my UU church. Being more in community with people than nature. While I have loved this opportunity to be with people and form a sense of belonging for myself, I have missed the natural world.

The world of nature with the sun rising up from the horizon, bringing forth light to an otherwise gray day. Reminding me, calling to me to rejoin what I have have stepped away from for the last month. Calling me back to my passion...


kristieinbc said...

Beautiful pictures! I love the sunrise. The day feels filled with hope and possibilities at that moment.

Larry said...

Love the pictures! We haven't had that kind of scene in Connecticut this winter.I'd like to get out on a snowy day for a hike at least once this year.

Darcy said...

Kristie- I love how you said the day feels filled with hope and possibilities. Reminds me of why I love to get up early, while all is still quiet, and reflect on the day before me.

Darcy said...

Larry- I lived in CT two winters ago and loved walking along the coastline of Long Island Sound after a snowfall. Hope you get some snow so you can get out and enjoy a hike!