Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Out of the Fog

"I write and write and write and find joy in it. A connection to myself. To others. A place of strength not known. Where I let fear go and press forward. Embracing those things important to me while looking for and supporting those things important to the rest of those I care about. This is where I am- giving to others and giving to myself. Slowly, hesitantly, walking down my path but seeing the light shine brighter as I go. Being only what I can be- doing what I need. I find the connection with others and love for others and they me coaxing me forward- embracing me on my journey toward home. The sun is rising as I set out. Come with me and enjoy what is in store."

I wrote the above last night during a workshop on Jungian archetypes. Amazed at how apt it was for where I currently am in my life. Perched between being a full-time mother and the haze that can sometimes accompany that place and the clarity that comes from finding one's life work.


Grampy said...

Observing nature I see things in a fog I can not see normally. The spiderwebs stand out the dew clinging to each strand. Bees, moths and butterflies remain in place where they landed the evening before. Offering a chance for me to inspect and observe them much closer. I have not thought about this before but it comes to mind reading this post. I think the next time I am in a fog not sure as to what I am supposed to be my priority. It could be that the fog has the purpose to make me inspect and observe myself closer. That I could not do normally. Thanks to the clarity of the fog. Thanks Darcy for sharing.

Folkways Note Book said...

Darcy -- out of the fog. Yes. A journey of discovery that your words mirror so well. Great post -- barbara

Darcy said...

Hi Grampy, Your comment made me think of how being in a fog allows one to inspect only those things at close range, given how things off in the distance are impossible to see. Fog then, encourages introspection of oneself and the inspection of things we might otherwise miss in the natural world.

Darcy said...

Barbara- I feel like I am on journey and am amazed at what each day brings when I open myself up to the possibilities.

June Calender said...

Your photo is just what I was seeing out my window yesterday. And, yes, I know what you are talking about when writing brings surprising insights, often in a very condensed way as you have done here.