Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Perfect Day to Hang Out...

Have been hanging my wash outside ever since the deck and pergola were added to the back of my house, replacing the dangerous, decayed deck we inherited when we bought our house a year ago. I love being able to once again enjoy the fresh smell of clothes hung outdoors and it somehow fortifies my soul. The repetitive act of pulling a wet shirt from the basket then pinning it to the line over and over again is meditative and allows me to slow down and be in the moment. I haven't had many "moments" to slow down this summer and I welcome the opportunity to do so. I am interested in starting a serious meditation practice before the hustle and bustle of fall heads my way and this may be the gateway to get me started.

1 comment:

Carolyn H said...

I love the pergola! One day, I hope to add one to my own back deck.