Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Stroll...

Just before I headed up to the Co-op to pick up some things for dinner, I got notice that a book I had ordered from the library for my monthly book club had arrived. So I leashed up Dakota and headed out, making a slight detour over to the library before continuing on. Dakota loves these outings as much as I do as we both usually bump into someone we know. Today, we both benefited as we ran into a friend from our morning dog club, Dakota greeting her friend with a quick tussle and I engaging in conversation with mine. 

Walking home, I couldn't help but notice the various bird calls in the many mature trees arching over my route, serving as background music constantly playing. The sound of the creek flowing along in its banks became an accompaniment as I rounded the last turn toward home. But just before heading up our drive to the comforts of home, Twilight, the gray cat down the street, strolled toward Dakota, beckoning her to come closer so she could bare her teeth and take a swat at her. Reminding me that not everything is friendly in small towns.

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